Comité organizador


  • Carlos Soler Montes, The University of Edinburgh


  • Thomas Chaurin, The University of Edinburgh
  • Inés Gutiérrez González, Keele University
  • Hugo Lázaro Ruiz, The University of Edinburgh
  • Natalia Stengel Peña, The University of Edinburgh 


  • Paula Antela Costa, University of Bristol
  • Ana Fernández Rodríguez, The University of Edinburgh
  • Wendy Xinran Gai, The University of Edinburgh
  • Inês Lima, The University of Edinburgh
  • Fiona Mackintosh, The University of Edinburgh
  • Verónica Márquez Moreno, The University of Edinburgh
  • Elaine Newton-Bruzza, The University of Edinburgh
  • Alba del Pozo García, University of Leeds
  • Mario Saborido Beltrán, The University of Edinburgh
  • Elena Solá Simón, University of Strathclyde
  • Anna Vives, The University of Edinburgh


  • Mara Fuertes Gutiérrez, The Open University
  • Elisa Gironzetti, Universidad de Maryland, College Park
  • Francisco Jiménez Calderón, Universidad de Extremadura
  • Javier Muñoz-Basols, Universidad de Sevilla y University of Oxford
  • Antoni Nomdedeu Rull, Universitat Rovira i Virgili
  • Marta Saracho Arnáiz, Politécnico do Porto
  • Raúl Urbina Fonturbel, Universidad de Burgos
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